Granting Delegate Access to your Namecheap Domain

Granting Delegate Access to your Namecheap Domain

Granting Delegate Access to your Namecheap Domain Granting Glimmernet delegate access to your domain is the perfect way to allow us to manage the technical aspects (such as DNS) of the domain while you maintain complete ownership of the domain.  With delegate access...
Glimmernet is now on Threads

Glimmernet is now on Threads

Glimmernet is now on Threads! Glimmernet Technologies has joined the new social media platform, Threads. Connect with us at What is Threads? Threads is a new app from Meta Platforms, Inc, the parent company of Facebook,...
Granting Delegate Access to your GoDaddy Domain

Granting Delegate Access to your GoDaddy Domain

Granting Delegate Access to your GoDaddy Domain Granting delegate access to Glimmernet is great way to allow Glimmernet access to manage the technical aspects of the domain while you maintain ownership of the domain.  The added benefit is that we don’t need to know...